Field Trips

The field trips are related to the theme of the month. They are an integral part of our curriculum. There are no fancy field trips just educational ones. Ravindranath Tagore always believed that learning should start with a first hand experience of natural surroundings. Besides this, the main purpose for taking our children out on field trips is that “seeing is believing”.
Some of our field trips have taken the children to:-

*  The Dental clinic for a dental check-up (Concept Topic - Community helpers)
*  Feed the Pigeon’s (Concept - Topic Birds)
*  The Fruits and Veggies shop to buy fresh and nutritious food from the Super market (Concept Topic - Fruits and Vegetables)
*  The Toy Shop to touch and feel different Toys (Concept Topic - Hard and Soft toys)
*  The Transport topic earns them a visit by an autoriskshaw, taxi, etc.