Children of this young age love to be winners. They feel very discouraged and disappointed when any other child gets a prize and he does not. Thus by choosing one winner we are creating many losers. Our philosophy is to create only winners and no losers. Yes it is important to be a winner in life but your child has his whole life ahead of him for competition, let us not stress him at this tender age. So, whether in academics or sports, all our little ones are winners. One of our fundamental objectives is to provide our children with a safe, clean and loving environment in which he/she feels loved, valued and wanted. We have put in a lot of effort in developing a child friendly ambience, getting the right equipment, selecting & developing the teachers and creating a well-balanced curriculum.

Behind every successful school are two people- the teachers and the parents.

We have well-trained, qualified and loving staff who care for the little ones as their very own. We request our parents to trust us, cooperate with us, support us and be patient. We understand the inhibitions of you parents as you put your precious bundles of joy in our care. It’s the first time for you too as you part with your

children for two and half hours but our love for your children as well as personalized attention will soon win you over. I can proudly say that we have shared an excellent rapport with parents in the past and will continue to do so. Thus with combined cooperation and participation the parents and staff of Kids ‘N’ Krayons will unite together to give the best to our precious little ones.

I thank you in advance in trusting us and helping us to make our pre-school programs a grand success, be it the enrolment of your child or the year round participation in their academics and events. The Kids ‘N’ Krayons Palace is ready to welcome the new Princes and Princesses and soon they will be ruling here.

Warm Regards,
Shaila Vazirani.